Friday, May 1, 2015

Thriving in Transition

At some point in our lives, we will all relocate. It’s inevitable. The one constant in life is change, and you’re destined to go through many relocations – both internal and geographic.
The principles highlighted in the following story have helped guide me and my clients through many of life’s most challenging transitions.
A weed and a tree were growing near one another on the bank of a swiftly running river in the jungle. The tree was shaming the tiny weed by comparing their height, strength and sturdiness. The humble weed simply bowed her head and asked to be pardoned.
The next day, a heavy rain came, flooding the river and eroding its banks. The strong, stiff tree was pulled down instantly. The weed, however, bent down, flattened herself, and let the water flow over her.
Once the river receded, the weed rose up, looking for her mighty neighbor. From far away, she heard the tree calling to her – lamenting his own lack of suppleness, humility and simplicity.
Whether you thrive or dive during transition depends, in part, on how supple you are. What life situation is raining down on you right now? Where are you stiff, and where are you supple?
Set an intention to bend around a situation rather than muscling through, and see how much easier it is to weather your current life storm.

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